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I'll throw my voice in that "screen" 100% refers to GNU screen in my friend circle. Tmux and dtach still don't quite supplant the specific slot that screen has occupied for decades.

> I'll throw my voice in that "screen" 100% refers to GNU screen in my friend circle.

> 1M Developers: GNU Screen exists you know.

> 90M+ Customers and Businesses: Take my money now! Let's use 'Screen' to screen share!, Yay!

I'm pretty sure that 'Screen' would appeal to businesses and customers who really just want to get on and instantly collaborate with who ever rather than to know that something called GNU Screen exists and would be less likely to be confused by the conflict anyway.

Yeah, I can totally see how in some circles, "screen" is synonymous with GNU Screen, and that our choice of name would be confusing. Sorry about that! I’ve posted a top-level comment about the naming issue, in case more context is helpful.

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