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I Built Coronavirus Live Monitor – stats, news, and press releases in one place (xtrp.io)
16 points by xtrp on March 21, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

While I can appreciate the technical accomplishment of building this, I think most people should stick to official channels of news from their government or local authorities. I also don't think it's mentally healthy to keep tracking a live stream of COVID-19 news from around the globe.

It’s not healthy to keep checking the news every hour or two on COVID stuff either.

I've been quite happy with https://covid19info.live/

https://talksub.com/covid19 is the best I've found for the US, breaking figures down I think to the county level, with sources. For the world, https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ (if you just want the numbers, not a map), fairly detailed. Though following sites like these gets scary fast...

Excellent work. Thank you for sharing it!

All the news for Belgium is in French, while 60% of the population speaks Dutch?

For latest news, I'm working with NewsAPI (newsapi.org) to get latest headlines on the virus from different countries. I'll check what I can do, but this may just be a consequence of their API and data.

Thanks for checking it out!

— Fred

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