yarn 2 will change our workflows where dependencies will be put into zips and checked into git. You will no longer need to install anything. You will only add or remove.
> where dependencies will be put into zips and checked into git.
Nice! I didn't know that, but I'm heavily in favor of that move. Yarn's handling of lockfiles even in version 1 is kind of just in general better than NPM's.
I agree with pretty much all of the recommendations they're giving at that link, particularly around avoiding install scripts.
> Current SASS implementation is made in Dart.
Unfortunately, the majority of Node projects still default to `node-sass` instead of `sass`. But you're correct, the `sass` package is what I recommend people use in most cases.
Give above I would still not recommend with current tooling to checking-in node_modules folder.
Current SASS implementation is made in Dart. https://sass-lang.com/dart-sass