The most used feature in Microsoft Office is the Paste button in the toolbar:
> What we didn't know until we analyzed the data was that even though so many people do use CTRL+V and do use "Paste" on the context menu, the toolbar button for Paste still gets clicked more than any other button. The command is so incredibly popular that even though there are more efficient ways of using it, many people do prefer to click the toolbar button.
As soon as you put so much in the toolbar, people have to use a mouse. That they are still taking the most naturally used action shouldn't be surprising.
> What we didn't know until we analyzed the data was that even though so many people do use CTRL+V and do use "Paste" on the context menu, the toolbar button for Paste still gets clicked more than any other button. The command is so incredibly popular that even though there are more efficient ways of using it, many people do prefer to click the toolbar button.
You and I use Ctrl-V, but the vast majority of users want something a lot more visual.