I'll second the recommendation for Sedgewick's book. The pictures in there are so good that you hardly even need the words, and I successfully learned algorithms from it.
The other algorithms book I would recommend is Steven Skiena's "Algorithm Design Manual", which has less depth than Sedgewick or Cormen et al., but is very well written and has a chapter that's a field guide to most algorithmic problems you commonly run into, and how to solve them. Looking through this algorithmic bestiary is well worth the time. The rest of the book is also good.
I have a smart co-worker who also likes Skiena's Algorithm Design Manual. I found that book to fluffy, though. But then I enjoy books like "Combinatorial Optimization - Polyhedra and Efficiency" by Alexander Schrijver.
(Not a beginner's book, but it has anything you ever wanted to know about P and NP.)
The other algorithms book I would recommend is Steven Skiena's "Algorithm Design Manual", which has less depth than Sedgewick or Cormen et al., but is very well written and has a chapter that's a field guide to most algorithmic problems you commonly run into, and how to solve them. Looking through this algorithmic bestiary is well worth the time. The rest of the book is also good.