Except that with web push the block button is two taps away. Once I’ve given away my phone number that’s it, it can be sent to anyone, I can receive messages from anywhere.
Is this a thing that happens often? Used to, your phone number was in a publicly available book. Pretty sure we use legislation to block abuse of that kind.
Similarly, used to, my browser was not a bloated application capable of sending me messages. Such that there have been times just launching chrome I get notifications I didn't know my family were going to accidentally enable...
I still get more robo calls on landlines than on my cell. Conveniently, my cell is in a different area code from where I live, so even easy to spot the bad ones. And I have never gotten an unsolicited text. That wasn't a wrong number.
Except that with web push the block button is two taps away. Once I’ve given away my phone number that’s it, it can be sent to anyone, I can receive messages from anywhere.