Here's an example from a decade ago (ifconfig was deprecated then too):
- bonded interfaces
- with vlans
- with multiple IPs
If this sounds unrealistic, it was the standard config for index arbitrage at an investment bank.
The interfaces, added with distro scripts, will use `ip` and all the interfaces will show up in `ip addr` and work perfectly. ifconfig won't show about half of them - they won't be up, or down, they just won't appear.
I set up systems in 2009+ that had multiple IPs per phy, bonded, vlan, etc. on linux. I used the config files within the distro (mostly CentOS/RH then) to do this. Worked fine. I developed somewhat better inspection scripting to augment this. My users never had problems with this.
I think the distro tooling used ip under the covers. I didn't care one way or the other. Nor did the users.
I don’t doubt that you’ve had problems but e.g. ‘ifconfig bond0.143’ references an ethernet interface that represents vlan 143 on the bonded interface bond0. This sort of setup has worked for at least a decade on Linux for me, probably longer.
That's interesting. ifconfig bond0.143:0 would be the vlan? Either way I can definitely tell you the interfaces were missing from `ifconfig` but visible in `ip`.
- bonded interfaces
- with vlans
- with multiple IPs
If this sounds unrealistic, it was the standard config for index arbitrage at an investment bank.
The interfaces, added with distro scripts, will use `ip` and all the interfaces will show up in `ip addr` and work perfectly. ifconfig won't show about half of them - they won't be up, or down, they just won't appear.