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This is terrible timing for the class of 2020 and 2021. Classes are online or canceled, many are paying rent on apartments they aren't living in (staying with parents after spring break), losing income from their university town/campus jobs since campuses are shutdown, and many companies are on hiring freezes while things shake out.

I know internships were the difference between me taking out loans and graduating debt free. I also converted my last internship into a full-time offer. I feel for anyone directly affected by this.

I wonder if 5 years from now we'll see the classes of '20 and '21 significantly hindered in their workforce progression and pay as was seen of the 2008 era?

Class of 2020 checking in. Finishing up my degree. I’m pretty worried. I don’t have something lined up yet, but am actively interviewing with companies. (Over webcam and phone, lately) Was previously feeling good about my odds, but now I really don’t know. It feels out of my control.

No idea what’s happening with my classes or grades either. Haven’t heard from any of my professors yet, and I can’t imagine the transition to online going smoothly. I just hope to god I can still graduate at all this semester.

Also found out today I probably need to move out of campus housing by the end of the month, so that’s fun. “Probably” because I guess it’s determined on a case-by-case basis and there’s no details yet about what that means.

This is a stressful time. My school just sent out an email to kick us out a few days ago (we have one week to move out). As an international student, I have no place to go. After seeing this, I am even more worried as I don't know my internship at CloudFlare NYC can happen or not.

Hey. John Graham-Cumming (CTO of Cloudflare here). We're reaching our directly to you.

But isn't Yelp that company that extorts businesses into buying their advertising and punishes them with bad reviews if they don't? Any student would might have contributed to that racket deserves to miss out.

It is hard to end up with an internship, let alone at Yelp. Having an internship has many advantages for a student: - Converting it to a full time - Money - Experience

Things get much harder for students on an F1 visa. Most often, a student may need to look out for themselves than the company's policies.


Lot of misinformation out there.

If Yelp really did it, a page on Yelp's website wouldn't be a credible source.

FWIW Yelp's page specifically says "but don't just take our word for it" and links to independent reporting: http://www.buzzfeed.com/sandraeallen/is-yelp-evil-or-just-mi...

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