"Bold and significant" eh? Kind of like the "bold and significant" test kits that never materialized, or the "bold and significant" quarantine process we should've instituted as soon as the first patient was discovered.
LOL minus the diamond princess or the obvious one from like the woman from Iran? people were falling thru the cracks like candy, i happen to know 1 or 2 people that were confused they weren't even screened at the border.
i suggest you do more than just take any announcement from the WH at face value, especially when there are numerous sources saying otherwise.
But, yes america has an obligation to repatriate american citizens, and subjecting them to quarantine is the right thing to do.
I have no doubt people were falling through cracks though. America has an incredibly open border with lax enforcement, mainly due to partisan bickering. Hopefully, this will get everyone on board with border security
i'm saying the diamond princess people were probably the few that were properly quarantined given the news coverage. the flight entry points during that time didn't even bother, just asked a few questions on where you were coming from.
Not terribly interested in this thread, but for the record %0 interest loans when they're big (billions of dollars) are effectively the same as handing out free money. A bank would need to be ridiculously incompetent not to turn those loans into significant profits (and hey, give out executive bonuses too!).
Well you brought it up, so which bailout are you referring to when you said "Corporate “bailouts” are just loans." that isn't referring to billion(s) dollar loans?