I guess I meant more like, short term, not a real job. I'm stuck at home for a few weeks (through end of April likely), so why not try some random idea? Keep my skills up, have something to do, etc.
If anyone has a halfway decent idea for an app or website, I'm a UI guy with a lot of time on his hands.
I have been watching Picard (the new Star Trek show) and came to the realization that all the greatest sci-fi interfaces do not have keyboards. Searching for a person? Tap here, tap there, swipe up, and push forward and BAM “looks like person of interest was on goobazoar on the night in question”! Anyways, I’m in the security space and have been doing lots of HackTheBox [0] in prep for the OSCP [1] this year. With active boxes, they kind of just throw you in the deep end and you just google tools and exploits to see if they work. After a few boxes you start using the same tools over and over again (enumeration mainly) and they are all command line based. there is this tool called metasploit [3] that is labeled a skiddy tool (script kiddy AKA run stuff without knowing what they do). it let’s you type in software/OS name, lists the exploit, add a few parameters and BAM! (Usually). In fact On the OSCP you can only use metasploit once because it’s so easy. We have metasploit pro at work and it’s GUI based and even easier! You can integrate it with their scanner (Nexpose) and make the whole process pretty streamlined from enumeration to exploitation. The problem is their pro tools are very expensive and all the FOSS stuff is command line and not integrated. You also have to use the keyboard! I have been imaging an interface where everything is touch based - a screen filled with little cards with pictures on them that do things. Click on one picture, does an action, and populates other cards on the screen. You drop these new cards in colored circles on the screen where it either turns green, yellow, or red. If a circle goes green the action worked and it becomes a gold card. You stack the gold cards together for an exploit chain and a successful stack means you rooted the box (or whatever goal you had). A lot of time paths you take seem promising but then don’t produce fruit so you would have to try different combinations of the gold cards. The ultimate skiddy tool! On mobile so apologies for the formatting.
If anyone has a halfway decent idea for an app or website, I'm a UI guy with a lot of time on his hands.