That doesn't matter. Italy has about 3.31 beds per 1000 citizens and these are already way over capacity, so much that doctors have been forced to "triage" patients between whom to save.
The Netherlands only have 4.18 beds which isn't much more so with more people being infected thanks to inadequate protection they will be overloaded, sending the mortality through the roof.
The US have it worse, they only have 2.89 beds and many people who are sick will still go to work to survive PLUS many won't dare go to the hospital unless they are facing death due to fear of extreme bills so coronavirus has the potential to be a massacre. Plus, unlike Europe where most citizens believe the experts, large parts of the US population takes pride in ignoring science (40% per
The Netherlands only have 4.18 beds which isn't much more so with more people being infected thanks to inadequate protection they will be overloaded, sending the mortality through the roof.
The US have it worse, they only have 2.89 beds and many people who are sick will still go to work to survive PLUS many won't dare go to the hospital unless they are facing death due to fear of extreme bills so coronavirus has the potential to be a massacre. Plus, unlike Europe where most citizens believe the experts, large parts of the US population takes pride in ignoring science (40% per