While this is true - with enough testing capacity, you could stamp out a new hot spot through a combination of local testing and local restrictions, and get it done before the healthcare system is overcome. Especially if we implement something like china did where you have to "check in" at businesses with your phone.
At least in less-dense areas of the country if people stay somewhat social distanced
i.e., if one case shows up in my town of 25,000 people - we could test everyone that possibly had any contact with that person and likely require a couple hundred tests. If those measures fail, you implement a more local lock-down much sooner, test more aggressively, and then ease up again locally.
At least in less-dense areas of the country if people stay somewhat social distanced
i.e., if one case shows up in my town of 25,000 people - we could test everyone that possibly had any contact with that person and likely require a couple hundred tests. If those measures fail, you implement a more local lock-down much sooner, test more aggressively, and then ease up again locally.