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Is there a reason it has to be one or the other? MacOS is the best operating system for power users or content creators. iPadOS is the best operating system for personal computer users. That seems like the vision to me.

Agreed. But the dilemma is Apple is not encouraging content creation on macOS. E.g., no important content creation apps are Sandboxed[0], so they can't be in the Mac App Store. And their latest development push, Catalyst and SwiftUI, is about cross-platform parity of low-powered apps, it does nothing for high-powered content-creation apps.

With few exceptions, content creation has not been successful on iPadOS. And for the last ten years, Apple has made building content creation apps systemically more difficult on macOS, e.g., with Notarization, Sandboxing, restricted file-system access, restricting Apple Events, deprecating built-in scripting languages, neglecting AppKit, and replacing WebView with the incomplete WKWebView.

In the current situation, iPadOS has been a dead end, and the Mac is, depending on your perspective, either moving backwards, or at best treading water.

It's not a good situation.

[0]: https://blog.robenkleene.com/2019/08/07/apples-app-stores-ha...

> no important content creation apps are Sandboxed[0], so they can't be in the Mac App Store

Logic Pro, Final Cut Studio, Motion

Considering the Best Picture Oscar winner was cut with Final Cut, I’d say that’s an “important” content creation app.

I agree that all content creation apps aren’t on the store, but you said “no important” ones, which isn’t factual.

Final Cut and Logic are not sandboxed (not sure about Motion), they are only in the Mac App Store because Apple lets their own apps skirt the rules.

UPDATE: "Parasite" was also edited on Final Cut Pro 7, released in 2009, which is not only deadly commentary on Apple's failure to accommodate content creators on it's own, it also predates not just sandboxing (2011), but the entire Mac App Store (2010).

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