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I read the same thing. Glad to see others investigating their options.

I'm not sure a DIYer could accomplish this without compromising the filter media unless there were kits available or a crystal clear guide for the task.

I realize that you can just wash the mask to remove the salt and surfactant and in the process any pathogens will be killed by the salt and soap. However, if you have to wait on this to dry between uses since the washing will fill some percentage of the pore spaces with water then you haven't accomplished as much as you could have if you had simply microwaved the mask in a boil-in bag allowing the steam to do the same work. As a bonus, people already know how to use microwaves and most have them at home.

I'm not trying to say that salt and surfactant doesn't work, only to say that this is better accomplished in a controlled environment with equipment that can insure that crystal size is controlled and filter media is relatively unaffected.

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