> Go might be feasible, but forcing system-wide GC at random times for the entire system? GC is very hard to make concurrent and a single random-alloc GC'd memory space can't possibly scale to thousands of cores.
Erlang (and its way) is a much better fit there, I think it'd be a delightful apps language: the GC runs at the (erlang) process level, each process has its own heap, so even though the GC is a vanilla generational GC by the magic of the Erlang VM it turns into a highly concurrent pauseless GC (only needs to pause a single Erlang process at a time, and you generally have tens of thousands chugging along).
Erlang (and its way) is a much better fit there, I think it'd be a delightful apps language: the GC runs at the (erlang) process level, each process has its own heap, so even though the GC is a vanilla generational GC by the magic of the Erlang VM it turns into a highly concurrent pauseless GC (only needs to pause a single Erlang process at a time, and you generally have tens of thousands chugging along).