The benefit is that most of the time I don’t need to the Google Sheet since I can usually remember the key and it is more for passwords with weird rules or ones I don’t use often.
As for why stateless, it is much less work to get a new machine up and running. Plus, it is much friendlier at my current job since I can’t even send a word doc out to my personal email much less syncing a password vault. Much easier to have one stateless manager and separate spreadsheets for storing metadata.
well keepassxc has a portable version on Windows (and a similar appimage on linux) so if you can run it from a USB in your place of work then you wouldn't need to set anything up each time you use a new comptuer.
you could also download your keepass file from something like dropbox either, but that would be a bit more effort if you were creating new passwords in work since you would have to upload it again after