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> Appeal to tradition. Denied.

That's rich coming from the guy who just said we can call it Spanish Flu because it's old.

That's an exceptionally non-constructive comment. There's nothing hypocritical or inconsistent about suggesting that we change what we can and not what we can't. We can't change the "Spanish flu" moniker. It's too late, it having been written into textbooks for generations. If we could erase those references, I'd say we should, but we can't. The best we can do is refer to it by a different name - "1918 flu" seems common - when discussing it now.

The appeal to tradition here is the idea that we should continue that practice even when we know better and have an opportunity to do better. I reject that. Is "cling to tradition regardless of effect" really the hill you feel you must die on? An odd attitude for anyone in tech, I must say.

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