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Not sure why this is so taboo, I know there are molecular biologists on this site. Anyway, Zinc is the only thing that will slow the RNA transcoding process of the virus in your lungs, but getting enough zinc into cells is hard. You can use a prescription drug Chloroquine to improve the transport, but it has nasty side effects. Vitamin D3 isn't a vitamin at all. It is a precursor to the hormone 25 hydroxy. That is used by several hundred functions in your body, including your adaptive immune system, in conjunction with L-Glutamine to produce white blood cells and much more than I could cover on HN. The virus binds quite easily to ACE2, so you have to slow that down enough that your adaptive immune system can keep up. Smokers and obese people and eldery have the most ACE2 from lung inflammation.

Some things to watch or look at

CoV Map: https://gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.h...

CoV Rates: https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/

Mutations: https://nextstrain.org/ncov

MedCram: https://www.youtube.com/user/MEDCRAMvideos/videos

The mutations are probably the most interesting. I would be curious what company is going to cover all of them in a vaccine.

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