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I worked from home full-time from 1996-2000, part-time from 2000-2005. My main advice would be, "Learn how to go home at night." In other words, if you have an actual home office, close the office door and "commute" home, and leave work behind you. If you don't have a home office, close the laptop instead, again thinking, "I am now commuting home." After reveling in the fact you now have a two-second commute, go do what you do every evening after you get home (presuming you don't just drudge away some more after you get home).

Whatever you do, especially if you work for a global company like I did, don't check email right before bed! Otherwise you will get sucked into this - https://www.xkcd.com/386/ - and won't be able to go to sleep.

In fact, it was after one of those episodes, bored with TV so casually checking email and exclaiming, "How could those engineers in [some city six time zones away] be so dumb?!?! I must stop them before we lose all of tomorrow cleaning up what they're doing!!!", that I instituted the "commute home and leave it behind you" rule. Because it was fine - they weren't dumb, I was misunderstanding something, but the resulting email flurry back and forth got me worked up to the point of not being able to sleep. So I lost all the next day due to bad productivity anyway.

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