> This is a reflection of what we've learned building operating systems and services at Amazon.
I don't know how actually tied in it is, but it's not totally surprising to me that it's built for AWS infrastructure.
That being said:
> To start, we're focusing on use of Bottlerocket as a host OS in AWS EKS Kubernetes clusters. We’re excited to get early feedback and to continue working on more use cases!
> Bottlerocket is architected such that different cloud environments and container orchestrators can be supported in the future.
While our first variant is focused on Kubernetes and EKS, we have designed Bottlerocket in a way that new variants can be built that work with other orchestrators, or even without one (we have ECS support on our roadmap already). Also, we really enjoyed working in Rust for big chunks of this!
How tied in to the AWS model is this? Are the places that would need to be expanded known?
Also at least at a glance, this is a neat use of real-world Rust