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This is awesome, congrats! I love Rails but it does seem like nextjs has left it in the dust in terms of making it easy to build simple, performant front-ends in react and there's no official Rails graphql solution yet either. What next is missing is a blessed omakase way to deploy it with a DB.

Can you talk about or point me to docs on the different philosophies between this and nextjs? In particular next already makes bundle optimization, splitting, lazy-fetching and serverless deploys pretty automatic. Why not start with next and work on incorporating the DB/business logic functionality? Related: why Prisma?

Next.js is really great, and has definitely helped push the industry forward. I'm not a fan of the way they handle routing, though, and we need to be able to evolve Redwood without fighting against our dependencies. If I had to guess, we may end up writing our own versions of other things as time goes on. We're all about integration, and sometimes you have to own things yourself to make it all work as seamlessly as possible.

FWIW we use Next.js without the pages folder convention, we use a routes.js and just have the pages folder as a build artefact, then we have relatively seamless integration with Relay to make data management super straightforward.

> there's no official Rails graphql solution yet either

I use https://github.com/rmosolgo/graphql-ruby!

It's not official, but it may as well be. Fantastic library.

I love Rails but it does seem like nextjs has left it in the dust i

What next is missing is a blessed omakase way to deploy it with a DB.

So its missing a complete "rails" solution? that's a big "missing"

I mean, why are you even comparing them?

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