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So... lie. If they want dishonesty, just ask for it.

I used to do it. Incredibly easy too.

Like once, in a sprint that took 5 weeks, the last week was scheduled for bug-fixes / quality assurance. I did nothing for 3 and a half weeks, finished my assignments in 2 days, then for a whole week I just fixed a couple superficial bugs here and there.

Reported time: ~ 170 hours.

EDIT: to expand on this point, the secret is in how you do the initial estimation. Hugely overestimate the small / easy tasks (explain with technical babble if needed) , then underestimate the difficult tasks. So not only will you secure lots of free time, but you'll also be that genius that finishes difficult tasks in 1 hour :-)

Heck, you might even be promoted to management; that's how all the cool kids in management are doing it :)

The manager wanted to see 40 hours reported against his main project.

He did not want dishonesty, but probably would not mind some tweaking in how work activities are categorised in a timesheet.

How is this 'not wanting dishonesty'?

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