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The only reason I do not casually use the word nigger in public is because unlike god, HR departments appear to be omnipresent.

"Do you talk to your mother with that mouth?"

Yes, I do. And if that bothers you, kindly fuck off. You have no place telling me what I may or may not say in the presence of my mother.

If an adult loses their temper in public, they are rightfully looked down upon. If an adult publicly becomes offended, I similarly look down upon them.

Right - so you're a racist, misogynistic idiot who'd rather put up pithy one liners and tell me to fuck off than address the point. Glad we got that cleared up.

Says the poster who was previously complaining about ad hominems...

No, I'm just an adult who recognizes that words only have the power that you give them. If you wish to continue to allow your emotions to be a slave to the language of others, that is your prerogative; but don't expect others to follow you.

And yes, I addressed your question. Read the parent comment of your post again.

You didn't address the question, you dropped a pithy one liner about HR departments. And you're still avoiding the issue by playing silly philosophical games. Of course words have meaning and power, particularly ones which are derogatory towards sections of society.

And that's all I'm going to say - this thread has gone on long enough.

The meaning of my "pithy one line", which you seem to be completely blinded to for some reason, is that I do not say the word "nigger" casually, but not out of concern for anybodies feelings. Rather, I avoid the word solely because I am paranoid of HR departments, and all things associated. This meaning seemed clear enough to other observers/participants.

Says a lot about you that the inclusion of minorly offensive words or implications can cloud your ability to critically interpret what others are saying. When you allow somebody else to offend you, or make you angry, you are allowing them to impair your thought processes. You are giving others the power to control you.

In order to defend yourself, you must realize that although somebody says something mean, it is up to you if you get angry, and although somebody may say something offensive, it is up to you if you become offended. In the real world, people are going to say shit you don't like. Trying to "correct" their behaviour is the wrong approach.

Not sure the HR department point is a 'pithy one liner'. If they didn't have their power I'd be singing along with Kanye too (there's a difference between using the word 'nigger' which is not racist, and calling someone a 'nigger', which is).

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