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- What is the destruction order of virtual base classes in C++?

- Write a noncopyable class template that takes one typename argument.

These aren't just trivia questions. You actually need to know this stuff to be able to plan and design correct C++ code.

FWIW, I'm a recovering C++ Language Lawyer[1], and I still consider myself to have an "expert" level of proficiency at C++. The problem with C++ is that you need to be an "expert" or you'll make subtle and complicated errors. Errors that may not show up later until you have some sort of interoperability problem. Yes, you can write great code in C++, but it shouldn't be as hard and complicated as C++ makes it. Tools should help, not hinder.

1. http://www.catb.org/jargon/html/L/language-lawyer.html

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