This needs to be its own post and shared as much as possible.
The above may yield a pill that patients can take at home, reducing further spread of infections that can easily occur in clinical settings. Without such a pill, hospital overflow will occur in any area with more than a few thousand cases. And there will be 100s-1000s of cities worldwide that medical resources could be overwhelmed within a few months.
We need to explore all avenues now. In only 3-4 months, there will be 100,000s of deaths worldwide, if an effective treatment that can be administered outside of hospital settings is not available.
For those who disagree, please study the coronavirus growth rate when no serious containment measure is implemented then try to provide evidence to the contrary (ie, either containment measures will be sufficient in most countries, or that my predictions above are flawed somehow.)
A scientist recently presented at the AHA meeting with these bullet points:
“- 4.8 million hospitalizations associated with the novel coronavirus
- 96 million cases overall in the US
- 480,000 deaths
- Overall, the slide points out that hospitals should prepare for an impact to the system that's 10 times a severe flu season.”