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Why do people keep using it?

I'm getting off the platform after this. I had a tiny final trade (wasn't able to sell due to this) and still waiting on my first amount of funds to get through KYC to go to my bank account (I sold on the previous RB downtime).

Because for responsible investors not swing trading the platform works just fine. I buy and accumulate shares over time and haven't had any issues. There might be some outage today but I was able to buy more shares without any issue

Best UI of any platform, very user-friendly, no options trading commissions (although any serious options trader wouldn't care about that). Those are the reasons people continue to use it.

Easy interface, easy signup, and able to trade derivatives without a mountain of paperwork. I don't use it for the family investment company, but I get why people just starting out do.

To be honest, it's the crashes during these 7% down days. Prevents me from panic selling.

I assume transferring all your stocks from one platform to another takes time.

It's about 5-10 business days by what I'm going through right now.

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