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The post sort of comments on that by claiming that K's somewhat cryptic-looking operator-style functions are more legible than named counterparts.

> Does giving a K idiom a name make it clearer, or does it obscure what is actually happening?

  sum:     +/
  raze:    ,/
  ordinal: <<
> The word “ordinal” can mean anything, but the composition << has exactly one meaning. (That one took a while to click, but it was satisfying when it did.)

(Didn’t click for me but I also didn’t spend a while on it, whatever.)

However, one should note that it's not like other functional languages don't have their share of cryptic operators, intuitiveness up to debate of course. Here's a list for Mathematica: https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/a/25616

At the end of the day this approach doesn't scale very well and skews nicer when you look at very simple examples like +/!100.

Anyway, I'll take my sum(range(100)).

everything any of us work with is a cryptic operator, if you think about it...

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