It's literally taking other people's content, putting their own ads on it, and paying you fake money for the privalege. If I create content, I should be allowed to charge for it. I'm okay with people not wanting to pay or being worried about their security and disabling those ads. I am 1000% not okay with them stealing content to run their own ads. I don't want their fake money, they are essentially running a scam. They may as well just rehost other people's articles and videos with their own ads and skip the whole browser thing entirely, same scam different name.
I don't care that a tonne bat shit has real monetary value. I don't want it. It's not legal tender, I'm not willing to accept it. I don't care that their fake internet tokens have monetary value. I don't want them. Brave is stealing from people and paying them in shit.
I don't care that a tonne bat shit has real monetary value. I don't want it. It's not legal tender, I'm not willing to accept it. I don't care that their fake internet tokens have monetary value. I don't want them. Brave is stealing from people and paying them in shit.