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This isn’t new. Doctors have seen a link between sugar (carbs) and Dementia / Alzheimer’s


No, they saw a link between HIGH carbs in blood over long periods of time associated with dem\alz.

Eating normal ammounts of carbs isn't going to kill you, it's literally our main energy source.

The issue that people, at least Americans, run into is that consuming a “normal amount of carbs” is shockingly hard if you’re not consciously trying to avoid them. Foods that don’t really need sugar in them often have it in huge amounts because it delivers more flavor oomph (and separately delivers a dopamine hit). This is especially true in the aftermath of the war on fat because, shocker, fat tastes really good and when you remove it, food tastes worse. How do you make up for that? Add sugar.

Totally agree this is the issue.

Most people don't realize that a plain bagel (55g) has more carbs that a slice of pie (43g).


Do you believe that a plain bagel is less healthy than a slice of pie as a result? The pie will definitely have more added sugars. A plain bagel would make for a reasonable breakfast. Pie?

>Eating normal ammounts of carbs isn't going to kill you, it's literally our main energy source.

Its only the main energy source because its the main dietary intake. If you change your dietary intake consistent with dietary ketosis then carbs/glucose will not be the main energy source, ketones will become the main energy source.

Consider two things: 1) when in a fasted state, the body will begin to produce ketones and begins to run off of ketones instead of glucose (which our body can continue to make without eating carbs) suggesting ketones are the default energy source until we introduce dietary carbs that spike insulin; and 2) as the study notes ketones are the more efficient fuel source for the brain only because our modern diets carb laden and insulin spiking our brains are contantly using glucose instead of ketones.

Coming from the guy that allegedly puts everyone to sleep during thanksgiving... no chance I’m listening to you

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