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>I have been using “Cookies Autodelete” for years. Except for a short list of 20 sites, nothing can store data on my Firefox.

Not really. It doesn't delete indexeddb for instance.

    delete indexedDB;
in userjs is all it takes in Chrome to disable indexedDB permanently

It is still possible for websites to access indexedDB by using Web Workers:

  new Worker("data:application/javascript,console.log('indexedDB: ', indexedDB)")
This works since userscripts only run in top-level websites and frames, but the above code runs JS code in a seperate thread with no attached DOM.

    if ('serviceWorker' in window.navigator) navigator.serviceWorker.register = () => new Promise( function(resolve, reject) {} );
disables webworkers from ever working.

And cache, local storage, basically anything that changes state.

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