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Please stop using "Please stop..." in the title of blog posts. It has a passive aggressive, techbro culture, holier than thou ring to it. Which I find grating.

That aside, there's not much in this article anyway. Despite trashing it in the title, he goes on to say it might work in large organisations or those with a long release cycle, but otherwise can't recommend an alternative.

Ok then.

You would prefer:

"Gitflow considered harmful",

"Why I don't use Gitflow",

or any of the other dozen clickbait variants, then?

At the end of the day, people enjoy writing contrarian posts, and people enjoy reading them. They have to be named something. People who use title templates are no more annoying than people who code things they dislike as masculine.

It's as much of an article as one advocating a tool (or workflow) without exploring its weaknesses. In a way, both complement one another.

Rename it to "Gitflow considered harmful".

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