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The obvious risk here is that you're combining a rush job with limited oversight, and large-scale distribution. So any mistake that would have been caught by the existing process will instead have the potential to roll into a global disaster.

Compared to 2% chance of death from the virus? I'll take a 2% chance of blindness over 2% chance of death for example. Of course we don't know what the odds are for the negative side effects.

Just to be clear, a 2% mortality rate does not apply to everyone. It hits the sick and old way harder. As a healthy person in my early 30s, my best guess for my own mortality rate is 0.4%. However, that does mean it is extremely dangerous for the elderly or otherwise compromised.

like, for example, if the vaccine is made from chicken eggs and a non-sterile batch gets through because we scaled up the pipelines faster than what was safe...

BTW, your 2% chance of death is assuming you catch the bug (and that the 2% figure is accurate). vs a much higher chance that you take the vaccine.

Do you prefer a 0.02 * 0.8 == 0.16 chance of blindness over a 0.02 * 0.05 == 0.001 chance of death?

Nobody knows what the real numbers are, so it is pointless to ask that question.

2% might be the overall death rate if this thing keeps coming back until eventually everybody has been infected. Or maybe it mutates to be less deadly. Maybe the hypothetical vaccine is only a .2% chance of deafness not blindness - or a 10% chance of your little toe falling off...

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