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You don't keep tanks around for what happens before the nuclear bombardment, you keep them around for afterwards. Most nuclear assets are pointed at either other nukes or military infrastructure; you'd still a large amount of civilian infrastructure around filled with angry civilians that would want to finish the fight one way or another before nuclear winter fucks everything. And tanks being tanks a fleet would survive everything short of nuclear carpet-bombing fairly well

I could be totally off base here but my impression, based on the staggering amount of nuclear warheads that could be deployed in a war, is that this line of thinking is wildly optimistic. I expect that any humans who survive a nuclear war will be focused primarily on staying alive and preventing human extinction, not continuing whatever geopolitical conflict led to the war.

The nuclear winter has been downgraded to nuclear autumn, and it is really really really bad if the war happens in the right time of the year. (Otherwise, it's only very very very bad.) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_winter#Criticism_and_d...

Anyway, people is people, and after all the nuclear warhead are used, the survivors will seek revenge with conventional weapons.

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