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I would love if some absurdly rich person started an initiative donating life-changing money, like a few hundred millions or so, to any expert who finds himself in a situation being asked questions like this by the president and who then stands up to Trumps' stupid Hey-I'm-the-frickin-president-and-you-don't-want-to-say-no-to-me-that's-why-I-just-stubbornly-suggest-what-I-want-to-hear-long-enough-until-you-give-up tactics by simply calling BS on him, loud and clear and repeatedly, if necessary.

Heck, if I had the money I would do it, just for fun (and to make the world a better place, of course). I mean, these people are not stubborn or dumb or shy. I guess they are just intimidated by this guy who can basically ruin their professional careers and thus their financial existence with a snap of his fingers - and who wouldn't hesitate to do so, if his feeble ego craves for it. That must be why we get "A little - a little longer" instead of "Nobody said anything about 'two', you just made that up! The only number that fell was 'one', and it was suffixed by 'year'. Let me repeat that for you: one year! Oh, and I must be honest with you: nobody cares about what you'd like to hear."

I assume that they screen the experts beforehand for this sort of thing; the experts in question are being amazingly (IMO far too) diplomatic under the circumstances. It would arguably be more responsible to simply state clearly that he is wrong.

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