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However, tanks are strategic weapons as well as tactical ones. Similar to why we have ICBMs but never hope to launch one.

Generally speaking, ICBMs are strategic weapons exclusively. The tactical version of ICMBs are just tomahawk cruise missiles, and they're in nuclear submarines all around the world just waiting for the signal.

I donno, the "fingers of god" are also loaded in submarines ready to go whenever: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trident_(missile)#/media/File:...

Oh of course. Missile submarines carry both however. They're more likely to use the tomahawks however. The Navy loooooves to use them.

During the very first 48 hours (sustained) in the war in Afghanistan, a tomahawk missile was launched, on average, every 12 seconds night or day. The amount of boom those things made is unbelievable.

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