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The real challenge is to build a reliable reviews mechanism, then resist the temptation to sell it to media companies.

IMDB moved from a respectable site to a parody of itself for that exact reason: they didn't resist and today their reviews are complete garbage. They got to the point of removing the comments section altogether when users found how to spot fake accounts that were created just to give bogus ratings.

IMDb is owned by Amazon (from Apr 1998), which explains the lack of concern about quality user reviews.

Rotten Tomatoes has been suffering the same fate, as it's now owned by Fandango (from Feb 2016).

> IMDB moved from a respectable site to a parody of itself for that exact reason: they didn't resist and today their reviews are complete garbage.

We're IMDB reviews ever good? I used them from fairly early on, but only for actual factual (mostly vast/crew) information, the reviews were always, AFAIR, pretty useless.

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