This “berniespeak” needs to go away. It’s divisive and further entrenched people into polarization. There have been plenty of people from the “bottom 90%” that entered a new income bracket thanks to technology. Let’s celebrate it instead of generalizing it to conform to a politicians ideological battle against the “wealthy”
It seems you are not aware that economic mobility (i.e. ending up in a different income (or wealth) quintile/decile than you were born into is at an all-time low in the United States.
Do you have a source for that? I am aware, according to the Brookings Institute, and world renowned economist Professor Raj Chetty, that it has been relatively flat for decades. Your parents wealth, and where you are born are the two biggest factors for economic mobility. Always has been, most likely always will be, so this isn't necessarily news or novel. So again, not sure divisive rhetoric and entrenching a feeling of class warfare is going to help anything. California, for example, where most people on this site are located and where a large majority of US-based socialism supporters are located, has some of the best mobility in the country. In fact, the single best thing you can do for your economic mobility is to simply move to a higher mobility area (surprise surprise).
"Approximately half of parental income advantages are passed on to children. The IGE, when averaged across
all levels of parental income, is estimated at 0.52 for men and 0.47 for women. These estimates are at the high
end of previous estimates and imply that the United States is very immobile."
Lots more where that came from.
This isn't class warfare. It's a statement of fact that in the USA you are likely to remain in the income bracket you were born into. What do to about that is where "class warfare" begins, if you insist on using that term.