I'm not sure this constitutes any problem other than a lack of understanding of the python runtime. What the author describes as:
"the mutable default parameter quirk is an ugly corner worth avoiding"
could also be described as:
"a natural outcropping of python's late binding, "names are references" variable model, and closure mechanisms, which provide a consistency to the language that is often crufted up in others"
I do somewhat agree with the author that this particular functionality should be a "use only when needed" feature. I don't think it should be avoided at all costs tho, because there are times where the mutable default allows for a lot of saved code. In fact in a few cases the code to work around using mutable defaults can get into some serious voodoo because frequently the writer is actually trying to work around the bigger mutable/immutable objects and names are references "issues" in python.
This also reminds me of something I was reading on the front page today about the old 'use the whole language' vs 'simplicity is king' holy war.
"a natural outcropping of python's late binding, "names are references" variable model, and closure mechanisms, which provide a consistency to the language that is often crufted up in others"
hm... that's debatable. The implementation could have just as easily chosen to evaluate the default arguments each time the function is invoked and that decision wouldn't have broken any of the existing mental models of variable binding/closures.
I think Python's behaviour is confusing and basically never what anyone actually wants. Regardless of whether or not you can use other params in defaults, the defaults should be evaluated on each call.
"a natural outcropping of python's late binding, "names are references" variable model, and closure mechanisms, which provide a consistency to the language that is often crufted up in others"
My mileage varies.
I'd prefer default parameters to honor referential transparency, whatever hoops the runtime has to jump through to make this happen.
That would make that the only place in which Python has referential transparency, though. It may be a quirky side-effect of consistency, but it is consistent.
Referential transparency is a property of functions, not data (unless you're in a lambda mood and treat them as functions of zero arguments, but in that case you're not in Python so it's not relevant here). Even a function to "concatenate two strings" could be passed an object that overloads the addition operator to cause arbitrary modifications:
>>> class Evil(object):
def __init__(self):
self.evil = 1
def __add__(self, other):
result = ("%s" % self.evil) + other
self.evil += 1
return result
>>> def referentially_transparent_concat(a, b):
return a + b
>>> e = Evil()
>>> print referentially_transparent_concat(e, "hi")
>>> print referentially_transparent_concat(e, "hi")
You can program in a referentially-transparent style with Python, but you'll have to do it by adding your own restrictions to the code you write. Python will not help you with that.
It's sad that such a common and concise idiom as "x or y" is so perniciously, subtly broken in Python, and that there is no satisfyingly concise equivalent.
If I were being cavalier and had an extra wish to burn, I'd request
That's exactly why I prefer Python over Ruby: not the language, but the philosophy of the community. The Ruby community seems to adore 'clever', while the Python community explicitly shuns it. I view the latter as being more mature and borne of experience.
Python itself is pretty "clever" compared to many other languages (GC, lack of obvious 1:1 correspondance between code written and code executed, dynamic typing, significant indentation, decorators, generators, etc.). If Python programmers were really opposed to cleverness, they'd be writing in straightforward assembly or a very thin veneer over it.
A language that forces me to say "self" every other word doesn't strike me as particularly clever.
Especially when that keyword is not necessary and when it breaks standard programmer expectations (if I declare a method with 3 parameters, I should call it with 3, not 2).
Yes, this is exactly what I mean by "breaking programmer's expectations". Except maybe Modula, no language works like that at all. The parameters are in the parentheses, period. If you need to pass this, you do so in the declaration and in the invocation. If this is passed implicitly, you don't declare it in the parameters and you don't pass it at the call site.
Python is doing this totally weird stuff that sits in the middle and that makes no logical sense at all.
The fact that Python forces you to declare the "self" parameter is simply due to the fact that it's old, old, old. Nothing wrong with that, but post rationalizing it by saying it's okay to declare a method with 3 parameters but calling with just 2 is just silly.
Simply because it does not fit your expectations does not mean that it makes "no logical sense at all". As faulty beings, we often have expectations that really are quite far from logical.
The error messages related to `self` in method definitions caused me some confusion when starting out with python. For instance if you define a method with no arguments, calling it results in "TypeError: your_method() takes no arguments (1 given)".
Pylint (or maybe it was pep8) has told me not to make dicts default arguments when running it against my code, but didn't explain why. Thanks for the post.
I've been programming python for on and off 12 years, and full time for the past 3, and this is the first time I've seen anyone recommending that idiom. So on the whole the python community does not think it's a good idea.
I keep seeing this "problem" come up, but I don't understand how it's realistic. If you have a function that modifies a parameter as a side effect, why would you have a default value for the parameter?
And since the site's comments seem to be taken over by link spam, is this mention on Hacker News just a clever way to juice the Google rank of said spam?
It's on SO's Python FAQ too. This is the only thing in Python that's really bitten me. I remember it took me like a week to figure this out when I was tearing down my algorithm bit by bit to find out whether my prove was wrong or the code.
Not sure if that's a "problem" if the only other way to implement function-static variables would be to add a variable visible for the whole module, or tricks with decorators...
def foo(normal_args, **kwargs):
# or
def foo(normal_args, blah):
It messes up the idea of looking at the definition to find the function signature.
it's a gotcha but it makes perfect sense once you understand why it works that way - i.e. the difference between evaluating a function definition and calling it.
"the mutable default parameter quirk is an ugly corner worth avoiding"
could also be described as:
"a natural outcropping of python's late binding, "names are references" variable model, and closure mechanisms, which provide a consistency to the language that is often crufted up in others"
I do somewhat agree with the author that this particular functionality should be a "use only when needed" feature. I don't think it should be avoided at all costs tho, because there are times where the mutable default allows for a lot of saved code. In fact in a few cases the code to work around using mutable defaults can get into some serious voodoo because frequently the writer is actually trying to work around the bigger mutable/immutable objects and names are references "issues" in python.
This also reminds me of something I was reading on the front page today about the old 'use the whole language' vs 'simplicity is king' holy war.