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You seem to have missed the point. As it says in the documentation for t:

    If you need anything beyond the basics
    you might want to look at todo.txt or
    TaskWarrior instead. They’re great tools
    with lots of bells and whistles.
In contrast, t (and therefore t-) does almost nothing. Instead, to make your task list prettier, do some work!


Not at all. Those "bells and whistles" you decry have negligible impact its ease of use, as it's been designed such that the extras (due dates, priorities, projects, etc) are only there if/when you actually want to use them.

Otherwise it's just "task add something", "task list", "task done something".

And if you do find yourself wanting to use those "bells and whistles", they're just a man page away.

Having tried, I can't make it build and run on SuSE 8.1. Having read the page, yes, if all I want is a list of tasks, no doubt TaskWarrior and do it. I don't think it's a bad tool, not at all.

It just doesn't look like what I want. I like being able to just go in and edit the task list. I like being able to use the Unix philosophy and have sorting, prioritising, selecting, and counting in a pipeline.

I don't want much, and t- gives me what I want.

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