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Might want to ask current students about those classes first.

My experience with community college math developmental classes was: "Go to this AV room, watch these videos, do these workbooks. If you have questions, I have office hours on these days.". Which was terrible. I did have someone I could come to with things I didn't understand, but it was obviously not something they liked doing and you had little choice about the material used.

This was decades ago, but I'm betting that now it's: "Watch these Youtube videos, do these workbooks. If you have questions, ask them in our online forums." Which is likely worse than just doing your own thing.

Holy crap! I wonder if it's a rural vs. metro area thing. Our CC was definitely classroom work- again, decades ago.

Same. Was a normal college thing. Classroom, teacher, chalkboard, occasional glazed eyes... but also the expectation you'll ask questions, and the ability to get feedback or clarification.

I worked in the math lab of my community college while in high school tutoring returning education students. 16 year old me teaching algebra and calculus to 55+ folks. They were some of the most engaged people I have ever taught and they were so happy, like tears of joy happy to finally get material that plagued them for most of their lives.

Anyway, my recommendation is to check out "the vibe" of the mathlab or whoever are the folks doing the tutoring. If they engaged and love answering the same questions all day long, then definitely sign up. If the tutors are like watch this video and do this quiz, if you have a problem sign up on the sheet kinda attitude, then find another place.

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