This is a great resource. And as always if you're interested by this stuff and haven't gone through The Raster Tragegy and Low Resolution, please have at it:
Out of curiosity, can anyone point to a similar resource aimed at languages not written with the Latin alphabet? Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, etc.. I'm curious which "knobs" are available to other languages, and how preferences differ.
This book, Thinking with Type by Ellen Lupton, was one of the first design books I ever read. I have been a designer for about 10 years now. It is a very approachable introduction to typography.
Excellent ressource! Summaries like this often lack depth and detail, but this page really does give a good bird's-eye view of typography & it's terminology.
Even in these days of high-resolution screens this process of adapting a perfect curve to imperfect pixels is important and really just fascinating.