Almost any of those resumes would get you a job offer from us (Shopify) after the most basic cultural fit evaluation.
Putting something like this together demonstrates a tremendous amount of desirable skills: Design skills, creativity, humour, but most importantly: resourcefulness, the desire to combat status quo, and the ability to ship a project and be proud enough to (literally in this case) put your name all over it.
Here is a great example of an applicant who build an entire Shopify store to get hired recently. Turned out we had the position already filled but we created a new position out of thin air just to get him. He starts on wednesday:
If we're going to have these Resume submissions, I wish someone would post some really good ones, not this style-over-substance bullshit. Suppose you're an engineer and you're actually really good at what you're doing, what are some good examples that communicate that?
I think it's perfect for the target audience. Most of them, if not all of them, were for designer positions. This demonstrates their skillset for design, especially if the job is for advertising creative work.
If it's for creating functional user interfaces, maybe not as great, but I think it still achieves the overall goal of demonstrating their skillset for design work.
All of the resumes pictured were for graphic artists or UI designers.
I'm not sure why say an engineer would even have this skillset, much less think he or she needed to show it off while interviewing for say C# developer of the line.
Putting something like this together demonstrates a tremendous amount of desirable skills: Design skills, creativity, humour, but most importantly: resourcefulness, the desire to combat status quo, and the ability to ship a project and be proud enough to (literally in this case) put your name all over it.
Here is a great example of an applicant who build an entire Shopify store to get hired recently. Turned out we had the position already filled but we created a new position out of thin air just to get him. He starts on wednesday: