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Speaking from experience, if you exclusively deal with integers internally and then apply the appropriate formatting when outputting to the user (which you need to deal with regardless of internal representation), it makes dealing with monetary data so much easier. Integers are generally better supported, faster, and more convenient for most languages, databases, and serialization formats.

+1 adding my anecdata to this.

If you don’t need irrational numbers (few financial applications do?), the tuple of (value, scale) can take you very far.

you never really deal with irrationals ... do you mean floating point?

Nope, specifically meant irrationals.

Floating point (up to a certain amount of absurdity) you can describe with integers (value, scale).

Real numbers you can describe with integers (numerator, denominator, scale).

Irrationals are more difficult. That's why we try not to use them :). Hopefully your company's commission tiers are not defined in terms of circles or euclidean distances.

How do you handle things like multiplying by some interest rate of 3.125 or (1 + 0.03125)^-354 as examples.

Sure you can round at the end but then you have to worry about compounding errors.

I think that's just part of the process of deciding how small an increment each integer represents (dollars, cents, centi-cents, milli-cents).

Accounting rules often care more about consistency than precision per se. As long as the code follows accepted accounting rules (say bankers rounding) choosing a known precision works. Often GAAP and other standards don’t define all details for, say amortization, but if you use a scheme the code should always use that method.

Numeric type, as supported by other SQL databases, does exactly this. I do not want reinvent it on the application level.

I know how to do it, it is just not practical.

Do you then use variable length for the precision depending on the currency?

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