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Ask HN: How do you organize and communicate?
1 point by natpalmer1776 on Feb 17, 2020 | hide | past | favorite
As the title says, how do you organize and communicate your thoughts and ideas?

Some background to the impetus for my question:

I am in what I would consider my first 'engineering' role at a small company - 100 or so employees - and as part of my role I am planning and implementing a great many technical solutions to business problems that affect multiple departments.

Recently, one of the implementations did not go as planned due to miscommunication, which then resulted in not reverting a change soon enough.

There are several situations similar to this that have occurred over the past few months without quite as significant outcomes, and while company managers above me expected a 'dirty outcome' like what we're dealing with now for this particular project, I am not satisfied with my own performance.

So, what I am looking for is ways to improve the way I plan and organize projects and improve communication between stakeholders so that everyone is on the same page.

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