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It sounds like Godwin is trying to distract public attention away from his selling-out of .org to a private equity corporation.




He can discuss multiple things at once. You think the world is single threaded? He has a life outside of his board role (I also think the board stuffed up, btw)

A man who styles himself an internet visionary while abdicating his responsibility to the future of the internet is likely to have an ulterior motive when talking about the internet.

However I also recognize that our community, like other communities, tend to forgive high status community members, as long as their lies aren’t too obvious.

Well done for simultaneous criticism of him and me. This feels like "if you are not against him, you must be for him" reductionism. I merely note he is capable of being seen, like all of us, as multithreaded.

That criticism wasn’t against you; I was actually thinking about how the community handled Hans Reiser 10 years ago. If you feel personally attacked, though, then that might warrant some introspection.

If he was being unreasonably well-treated, why did ReiserFS for the most part get dropped like a hot coal just for being associated with him?

I think you inverted the logic. His case is "Hans Reiser was an outsider, but when he turned out to be a killer (which does not strictly relate to his FS work) we dropped him like a hot potato. Contrast that with Mike Godwin, who did a thing (the respondand thinks is) reprehensible, but because he is a big name, we give him leeway"

he's making a compare-and-contrast argument, as I understood it.

The difference is, Hans Reiser was a murderer. Mike Godwin is just conflicted between his belief in a greater good outcome and his role as a PIR/ISOC conflicted person. I think its a bit apples-and-fishcakes as comparisons go, but I sort of get it.

"our community[...]tend to forgive"

"I was actually thinking about how the community handled Hans Reiser"

That sure looks like an example to me, not a contrast.

But maybe you're right.

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