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Reading the tweets and those who have many years of experience (live in the US) and are not making what they should says they do not know how to get their best deal. Like any software dev who wants to maximize their salary should never stay at one job for more then a year or two. Job jumping and using recruiters to do so is a great way to give yourself a big boost with each new job you jump to. Staying put in one job for more then a year or two makes no sense in present time if your goal is to maximize your salary.

Im sure if there was a study it would show those who job jump are making a ton more then those who are loyal to a company.

Like any software dev who wants to maximize their salary should never stay at one job for more then a year or two. Job jumping and using recruiters to do so is a great way to give yourself a big boost with each new job you jump to.

This is not true at FAANGs, where a large part of your compensation comes from multiple RSU grants vesting concurrently. Even if you never get a promotion or significant raise, your total compensation after 4 years will be much higher than when you started.

ah true and pardon my comment is geared towards working outside of the huge tech companies. Those working at those companies are most likely smart enough to know their worth and get their best deal.

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