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Ask HN: Why 'MacBook-Pro' in my terminal changed to 'Huawei'?
2 points by nk1337 on Feb 15, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments
Hello. Recently I bought a new MacBook Pro 16 in Russia. This morning my terminal changed the prefix in front of each command:

"user@MacBook-Pro" to "user@HUAWEI_Mate_20-1a2d"

Does it mean that my MacBook is fake? Did the following: - Compared serial on macbook and "system information" on "checkcoverage.apple.com" - Good - Compared exact hardware config matching official resources - Compared that manufacturing date of my battery is less than manufacturing date of macbook (via coconutbattery)

Does anyone know any way to validate the mac or the cause of this weird change?

>Does it mean that my MacBook is fake?

There's not really a market of fake MacBooks that someone can buy (outside of China and from a legit store, none the less), and think they're an Apple product. It's very hard to make a fake one to a quality that will convince anybody with any familiarity with the platform and leave enough room for profit (from materials to unibody construction, precision etc).

The @MacBook-Pro part is the name of the machine. Perhaps the name changed? Maybe you've set it to change through DHCP, whenever a new connection tries to assign one?

Those were default Catalina settings that I do want to change now.

Low price for this macbook + "@Huawei*" really scared me, hehe

Maybe it's just the hostname. Try 'hostname' on the terminal and see if https://www.howtogeek.com/tips/how-to-change-your-computer-n... makes a difference.

Wow. You're right. I was on the train WiFi and the terminal smh changed it. Switching it off and restarting terminal solved the issue.

Thanks! Probably, Should learn more about operating systems

Just to rule things out, do you have a Huawei phone?

What version of Mac OS are you running?

What shell are you using? Bash or ZSH?

What terminal application are you using? Iterm2? The stock terminal app?

I do not have Huawei phone and I'm running Catalina. Using Terminal as I have nothing installed on it yet :)

It happened because of WiFi I was connected, still not sure how it exactly works. Thanks for reply

I would guess that the owner of the Huawei phone was spoofing their mac address

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