It seemed like a conflict of interest of sorts for you to be pointing out Facebook's trademark troubles, when you were the one causing them, without disclosing that.
Sorry if I was (and still am...) a bit harsh, but from where I stand it seems like you're another bitter Facebook competitor. You and ConnectU and Zuckerberg may have had similar ideas around the same time, but Zuckerberg executed it successfully, and I don't think that means you're entitled to anything.
As far as generic trademarks go, what about trademarks like "Apple"? It's also worth noting I had never really heard the term "face book" before; it seems like it was mostly a Harvard thing)
Sorry if I was (and still am...) a bit harsh, but from where I stand it seems like you're another bitter Facebook competitor. You and ConnectU and Zuckerberg may have had similar ideas around the same time, but Zuckerberg executed it successfully, and I don't think that means you're entitled to anything.
As far as generic trademarks go, what about trademarks like "Apple"? It's also worth noting I had never really heard the term "face book" before; it seems like it was mostly a Harvard thing)