Actix (the actor framework) is separate from what people are discussing here: actix-web, which supports actix). In earlier versions of actix-web it was based around actix; I remember implementing actors and handlers. Since 1.0 or so that got changed to more of a standard setup.
I’ll add my 2c on actix-web: in my opinion it tries to do too much. hyper (simply based on tokio) is all you need for a fast async server. Anecdotally, I know many people who basically use just this stack, over actix-web/warp/tower etc.
I’ll add my 2c on actix-web: in my opinion it tries to do too much. hyper (simply based on tokio) is all you need for a fast async server. Anecdotally, I know many people who basically use just this stack, over actix-web/warp/tower etc.
There are other actor systems, like kay [0].