> Okay. So psychology requires the mind. Good. Does psychology deny the brain exists? If not, you have the mind-brain duality.
No, mind-brain duality isn't “mind and brain both exist” but “mind exists independently of brain”. (It's usually referred to as mind/body duality rather than mind/brain duality now because no one actually thinks the physical basis of the mind is purely brain, and the essence of the purported duality isn't the mind having a physical locus other than the brain but it having some not-physically-determined aspect.)
No, mind-brain duality isn't “mind and brain both exist” but “mind exists independently of brain”. (It's usually referred to as mind/body duality rather than mind/brain duality now because no one actually thinks the physical basis of the mind is purely brain, and the essence of the purported duality isn't the mind having a physical locus other than the brain but it having some not-physically-determined aspect.)